If you'd like to spend some time in Newcastle, here is an event that might be of some interest to you:
Baudrillard & International Politics
Geography, Politics, and Sociology Workshop
28th November 2007
Bedson Building Room 1.48
Newcastle University
Plenary Speakers:
Paul Hegarty (University of Cork),
author of ‘Jean Baudrillard: Live Theory’
William Merrin (University of Swansea),
author of ‘Baudrillard and the Media’
Aim: To consider the (ir)relevance of Jean Baudrillard for understanding international politics. A selection of presentations, from academics and postgraduate candidates, will be given on the topic. In addition, after the presentations, there is time scheduled for a roundtable discussion.
The workshop is free to attend, and we envision a lively interaction between participants. Due to a limited capacity, could you please contact Mark Edward (m.d.edward@ncl.ac.uk) if you would like to attend. Deadline for registration is 22nd November 2007.
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